On this blog, we discuss learning: how it's done, how it works, and how it can be improved. We believe that this could help us all become better learners and better teachers.
What you can read here is the work of several humans.
Julia: that's me! I've always loved to learn, and to teach, and spent most of my childhood force-teaching my siblings with random stuff I got excited about. I believe that being able to have a good understanding of one own's learning process is empowering, especially in the gigantic flow of information kneading us nowadays. During the day, I'm working between Computer Science and Learning Sciences, exploring new ways to teach mathematics. At night, I'm writing the content for the blog, and also drawing the little stick idiots to illustrate the different topics. If you want to know more about me, you can hit follow on Twitter.
Julia - Content
Charlie: Charlie is a multi-talented super-human who believes speaking about learning is important. As a former teacher-trainee, a tutorial-writer, and a parent of two, he works on the field every day. As he believes knowledge should spread, Charlie is translating the blog to Ze French, and i'm forever grateful for that. You can always click the "FR" in the footer to access the translation, when its available.
Charlie - Translation
Anna: And cherry on top, Anna is giving a little spin to the articles to correct the last mistakes and awkwardly convoluted sentences.
Anna - Review
If you want to know more, you can also check out this Introduction!
We hope this blog will be an interesting place for conversation, and are looking forward to hear your perspectives on the different explored topics.